I have the privledge to attend this year's ULearn conference in Rotorua. Its the first ULearn conference I have attended in 4 years. There are approx. 2000 teachers in attendance. The atmosphere is one of anticipation....I guess because the Minister of Education is speaking.
The Waiata we sang together was:
There are three things
Three important things
In the bible
Belief, faith and love
That keep us together
The opening included welcoming speeches and a performance from the Selwyn Primary School Kapa Haka group.
Reimagining leadership
Tranforming professional practice, teaching approaches
Modern conference for practice
Keynote speaker: Larry Rosenstock
Reimagining - "the Lie"
Sometimes we have to treat different differently in order to treat them equally.
Jackie from Ruapotaka
Chrome book celebrations with whanau. Survey carried out with whanau.
Creation of a whanau blog
Heather Matthews - Hornby Primary
Antword profiler - app to analyse writing
Multi modal approach - padlet
Using experiential and multimodal approach to motivate writing
Nicola Wells - Tamaki College
Using online posting and shared docs for students to revisit, catch up
Sandy Lagitupu
Using film to motivate writers - character descriptions, setting descriptions
Christina Fortes
The listening guide - Jane Van der Zeyden
https://goo.gl/mYSGFz - a site being developed for Samoan English language learners
the Pulse of te reo Maori - Strong or not?
Charisma Rangipunga
Translation of modern language to Maori is difficult to make relevant to the young.
After 25 years, still learning the language.
- 8Billion people
- 250 Nations
- 6000 languages
- 1/3 of all languages in the world have less than 1000 speakers
- 450 languages with only have a handful of speakers left
- A language dies every 12 days
- By 2100 90% of the worlds languages would have vanished.
- For a language to survive, it needs to be the primary communication between parents, children and grandparents.
- For te reo to survive...it needs to become normal.
- Played kahoot - 210624
- 460 Kohunga, 72 Kura
- 29 iwi maori radio stations
- $225 million per year on te reo maori
- 1 in 7 NZers is Maori
- Average age of Maori is 24, Average age of pakeha is 40
- It is estimated Maori will be the bulk of the workforce in 2050
- 2.5% of Maori live in Auckland, 90% live in the North, 10% in the South Island
- 10% of the Maori population have a tertiary degree
- 30% of Maori are under the age of 15.
- Nga Puhi have 20% of the Maori population - 1 in 5 maori hail from Nga puhi
- 10.5% have no affiliation with any Iwi
- 60% of Maori know which of Marae they affiliate to
- 30% of Maori know their pepeha - have confidence in their identity as Maori
- 70% are still in some way searching for their identity
- 60% of the maori population have been to their marae at some point in time
- 30% have visited their Marae in the last 12 months.
- 10.5% have been to their marae more than once in last 12months.
- If marae is the one place that we can get access to te reo maori, how do maori get access if they don't go?
- 10% of Maori children are learning te reo Maori at school. 90% have no or little access of te reo Maori in the current school system.
Michael Fullen:

- Systems change - working with clusters of schools
- Building knowledge and practices that foster deep learning and whole system change.
- Humans are innately wired to connect, wired to create and wired to help humanity
- life in education should amplify the innate characteristics, suppresses or eradicates them
- New Pedagogies for Deeper Learning.
- 6 Cs - global competencies are in line with the NZC KCs.
- Deep learning and equity go well hand in hand.
- DL connects all their real world providing relevance, are especially congruent with native values, builds relationships of trust with students, creates a culture of high expectations, increases efficacy and optimism, provided support systems for students who do not have much.
- Whole Systems Change Strategies
- Accountability (history of failure)
- Standards (insufficient)
- System culture (promising success)
- Breakthrough Leadership
- Respect and reject the status quo
- Be an expert and apprentice at the same time
- Experiment and commit
- Dynamic Duo
- New developments in neurosciences
- New developments in Learning Environments
- When you weaken hierarchies you open up lateral solutions.
- The young are the most connected and the least committed to the status quo.
- The above conditions cause learners to outrun leaders and researchers.
- The job leaders is to help learner run better.
- New Pedagogies for Deep Learning.
- 6Cs - Collaboration, communication, character, citizenship, creativity, critical thinking
- New Leadership for DL - Cycles of trying things and making meaning, co-learning (among all) dominates, Leaders listen learn and ask questions, Leaders help crystallize, articulate and feedbac back what they see, Act on emerging solutions, including focus on impact.
- Big ideas #1 - students as change agents.
- Big idea #2 - professional capital of teachers (Human, social and decisional)
- Big Idea #3 - Coherence (focusing direction, cultivating collaborative cultures, securing accountability, deepening learning)
- A change mindset exploits disruption.
Empowering Pasfika parents through ako fakataha to raise student achievement
- Pasifika education plan made relevant through the school curriculum.
- Using parents cultural capital to engage them in students learning.
- Ako Fakataha - Learning together.
Global Trends in Digital Education
This speaker spoke about her trip to Colorado to attend an elearning conference.
Not a great deal gained from this breakout other than we need to pick our conferences carefully - what is the purpose of attending, is it:
- For pedagogical development OR
- Hardware/software products
Challenging traditional leadership
- Working differently to teach differently
- grow capacity for leaders
- Unlearning past practices
- Looking at our context within Community - locally, regionally, nationally and globally.
- Collaboration not competition
- The power of thinking, collaboration and partnership is the currency of our strength heading forward.
- Working as part of a network - locally regionally nationally globally
- Multi agency meetings - once a month for 90minutes.
- Not teaching to assessment, will not be driven by assessment -
- creating meaningfully designed programmes, designing experiences for deep learning, with a focus on the best learning conditions (reflect on what conditions you have experienced your best learning in), meaningful learning experiences drawn from student interest.
- An area school model - mixed level hapari
Karen Spencer:
- Weave the aho and whenu together - the ideas the learning with your school community.
- To be an educator today is to yearn to be better tomorrow that we were today - getting better should be part of our DNA
- Read blogs of people you disagree with to check your thinking...
- Hold the line before you trial something - pause before you leap into the next great thing:
- Find the urgency - the most urgent area that your students need
- see the story behind the data - seek deliberately
- Embrace discomfort - learning and designing ways to embrace the discomfort
- Pause before you leap:
- Hold your ideas lightly - we plan carefully before we introduce anything
- Ministry of Education - My world, Our vision
- Kia Aroha College
- Kia Eke Pahuku - stories of what Maori success looks like
- Treat data and the stories of your students like a piece of art - bring different view points in order to look for what is really going on in our classes and look for where we can spend our time where it's most urgently needed.
- The ladder of inference
- We need diverse view in order to highlight usumptions we make about our students
- As leaders in school your role is to "keep the fear off the set"
- Compare your vision to your learners curriculum
- Let the data open the door to your understanding of your students stories
- Resist soltionistis - make sure your vision is dripping off the classroom walls
- Agree on your strong signals before you test and trial
- The learning we do together is not the extra thing put on the plate...it is the plate.
- Education doesn't change the world, it changes people and its people that change the world.