PB4L focuses on teaching expected behaviours. The introduction slide to our session read:
If a student doesn't know how to read, we teach.
If a student doesn't know how to swim, we teach.
If a student doesn't know how to multiply, we teach.
If a student doesn't know how to behave, we punish.
The systems we have put in place include:
- giving students tokens for displaying PB4L during class time or in the playground. The tokens are valued as 'house point' and the points system is collated throughout the term.
- the winning house are rewarded at the end of each term with a treat of their choice - e.g: colour shirt day & pizza.
- giving students assembly awards for displaying our school values of Manaakitanga, Whanaungatanga, Tukumarie, Ako and Rangimaire.
- if students are recognised as consistently displaying the school values, they will receive a values badge correlating to the value they are displaying.
- Improvements in academic engagement & attainment
- Improvements in behaviour
- Improved school & teacher capability
- Improved teacher confidence & satisfaction
- Improved school climate and perceptions of organisational health and safety
- Improved relationships between staff, students & whanau/ community
- Improved targeting of students for specialist service referral
- Reduced major disciplinary infractions
- Reduced teacher reported bullying behaviour