So, what did we achieve this term? From the outset the term was set to be a quiet one. Management purposefully kept the overview as free as possible due to the quantity of assessment and reporting that was to be completed by staff. While on paper it looked quiet, it didn't quite turn out that way.
This year we have become part of the KIP programme. This is a joint initiative where a handful of students are identified as 'Kid with Incredible Potential' and are invited to go on a four week camp at STAND to develop confidence, self-esteem and leadership skills. The initiative was created and is run by the RTLB service and we have 5 students who have accepted the invitation. This is a wonderful programme where students who generally 'fly under the radar' so to speak, have an opportunity to gain confidence and develop a voice in their learning. Students identified are those who are shy, quiet achievers who require encouragement to participate and lead to their full potential. We are looking forward to their participation and to see the effects this programme will inevitably on these beautiful students.
Our PLD sessions have been in full swing with Kate Birch in writing and Lucy Cheeseman in maths. Both consultants are with Cognition and are worth their weight in gold. We are beginning to see some progress in both subject areas on the assessment carried out this term and teachers are endeavouring to implement their own new learning into their programmes. During discussion with KB, staff regarded what we hoped to achieve, teachers created a success criteria for their learning which was - to develop learners who are capable, confident writers. The overarching goal to this is for teachers to teach with 'clarity', so that their students fully understand what they are being taught, why they are being taught it and how it will help them. We want to focus on the 'learning' that is taking place, and the clarity in this was developed in the form of a success criteria.
Clarity in teaching is an area that we as teachers are endeavouring to focus on and deliver consistently in our practice. Through clarity comes understanding. This is visible in the progression of skill and process which is ultimately the desired outcome students should strive for...not just the product. This clarity is delivered though goal setting using current data, process based success criteria, creation using new learning, feed back and feed forward, scaffolding and expectations.
I attended an informative session at an RTLB cluster meeting where the resources teachers shared the services they provide. Many of the presentations shared were new to me and I was really pleased I attended. My questions really focused around why we didn't know all of the services available. The website didn't contain any of the programmes addressed at the meeting, such as Early Intervention and outdoor education programmes for the development of confidence and self esteem. We will be looking into a few of the 'group' programmes shared with us that we know our students would benefit from.

students took part in recording a range of songs in solo, band and in a class singing format. We were also lucky enough to have TV3 come into school to do a news story about Jambus and include our school's music story too. We were on the TV3 news and became 'world famous' in our community. It was FANTASTIC! Check out our TV appearance here.
So, now half the year is done it's time to look forward. Half a year to go and more great learning to do. Bring it on!
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