Wairmairi School is a school on a mission. While listening to the Principal, Mike
Anderson, a quote most certainly came to mind..."A goal without a plan
is just a wish". Mike's vision for Wairmairi involves teachers being
'designers' of learning not merely planners of it. While we walked through
classrooms, I was taken with the design of the spaces that were made
within classrooms, showing innovative ideas, practical flow and accessibility. Classes ranged from old single prefabs to MLEs.
Mike believed that teachers needed to design spaces which involved
prototyping learning spaces. This design process was spread over 3
years and is ongoing...all in preparation for the re-building of this
earthquake damaged school.
In the beginning, the school held a 'convention' on site. Money raised by this event, was then used to fund a 'study tour' for all staff of the school (including auxillary staff) to Melbourne. While in Melbourne staff sought out information and resources around contemporary schooling and on the last day of their tour, staff attended a work shop on developing shared design principles. This set the scene for the Wairmairi journey of renewal.
Part of Mikes vision is to 'design outwards' through discovery learning and planned settings using inquiry, solo (Pam Hook), learning-by-design (Dr Julia Atkin), ako and shared knowledge.
Mike ensured staff discussed the vision behind the New Zealand Curriculum and teachers use the essence page of the NZC to review their programmes against the curriculum.
Mike shared the Alan Watts short video about Music and Life - he encourages his teachers to 'make music' with learning...listening to him speak, I heard his music! I think life at Waimairi School is an orchestra of instruments.
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