New Zealand Pasifika Principals Association (NZPPA) - An Association of Awesomeness!
Today I attended my first NZPPA meeting. It was to celebrate the end of year and also to farewell a true 'Tuawahine' of the group, founding member Corinne Hansell. It was apt that my first day with this group was the last day for her, as Corinne has been a friend, advocate and guide for me since the day I started as a teacher at Tamaki Primary School...fresh off the boat from Samoa. She 'afi'd me throughout my transition from teaching in Samoa to teaching back in NZ, and it was destined that she would afi me once again, bringing me into this group of amazing Principals at the beginning of my journey as a new Principal. I felt humbled to be in such great company with Principals from around New Zealand sharing an incredibly special cultural celebration hosted by Sutton Park School.

It was a day of firsts for me, in that I joined the group and I also experienced an 'ava' ceremony for the first time. While I'd been present at a few ava ceremonies in Samoa, I had never actually participated in one, so it was with a touch of apprehension that I spoke the words "Le 'ava lea le Atua. Fa'afetai le fa'aaloalo - Manuia" as I received the bowl and partook in the ava. There were 23 Principals present, each one receiving the ava and it was such an experience to see the students of Sutton Park carrying out the ceremony with surety and pride. We were privileged guests and treated with respect and grace throughout the whole event.
We were welcomed into the assembly hall with a powhiri. Beautiful Karanga drew us into the whare where the haka powhiri of hundreds of students rang out across the room. Following the whaikorero of an amazing student representing the 'tangata whenua' and the reply of our Manuhiri representative Filivaefale Jason Swann, and respective waiata, we were then treated to a variety of performances and speeches from Maori, Samoan and Tongan groups.
Following the incredible ava ceremony we were then led to the school staffroom where we were treated to a feast. True to Pasifika style there was all the culinary delights including my favourite 'oka' (raw fish). It was a feast fit for royalty and once again an absolute reflection of the manaakitanga and whanaungatanga staff, students and the community of Sutton Park School afford their guests. A huge 'fa'afetai' to Fa'atili Iosua Esera and his wonderful school for providing such an amazing event for the NZPPA. What an honour it was to see.
It was a privilege to be present and part of the celebrations. It was a privilege to meet and in some cases reconnect with people among the Principals attending and it is a privilege to now be a part of the New Zealand Pasifika Principals Association.
Michelle - thank you for your warm words of thanks. You have most definitely been one of the most fun people I’ve ever worked with - I really miss our laughs we had together and know you will be sharing that gorgeous part of you with your new staff. Alofa tele atu. Corinne