Saturday, August 1, 2015

Growth Mindset in the Classroom

Recently I've been spending some time reading and learning about the idea of Mindsets. This idea is not something new, but Carol Dweck has put into writing what many have thought about and indeed understood for a long time. How we think determines our own successes and failures.   I've experienced mindsets as a sportsperson, lived positive thinking and visualization on the court and the sports field, and have made connections between these experiences and the classroom. But, Carol Dweck has added clarity and direction to how we can effectively use this in an educational sense. It's an addon to what teachers have always pushed in their classrooms...for students to BELIEVE in themselves.  In reading about mindsets, I came across Matt Bromley's blog.  He has created a number of INFO graphics relating to mindsets in the classroom...these are great and I would definitely use them in the classroom to enhance my programme and build my students understanding of how their mind works and how they can grow their thinking!  It's crushing to listen to students who give up before they begin, who believe they have nothing and can offer nothing.  As teachers it's our role to show them that they are someone, as Rita Pierson explained of her students..."You are somebody. You were somebody when you got here, and you will be an even better somebody when leave here!"  So...bring on Growth Mindsets and lets watch our students be a active, motivated, positive members of our society!

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